About Morgan

creative director, branding strategist, and founder of Specht & Co.


Hey Friend, I’m so glad you’re here!

My name is Morgan, and I’m the human behind the screen here at Specht & Co. Creative Studio.

I believe that coffee should be consumed sans-creamer, that puppy cuddles can cure anything, that pineapple DOES belong on pizza, and that when we’re willing to put in the work there’s nothing we can’t achieve.

Most importantly though, I believe that every single service-provider, artist, practitioner, coach, and entrepreneur deserves to feel 110% proud of, and confident in their branding and visuals for their business.

As the Creative Director and Brand Strategist at Specht & Co, I help our clients connect with their ideal audience through thoughtful, personalized branding and web design that showcases who they are in a way that feels totally authentic and share-worthy.


So how did I get here? Great question.

My brain has been home to the perfect storm of creativity and analytical prowess basically since I was old enough to know what that meant, so it was no surprise that design is where I landed when it was time to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.

Solving creative puzzles, constantly learning new things, and getting the opportunity to use my artistic skills to help people make money? Yes please!

After graduating with college at barely 21 years old with Bachelor’s degrees in both design and marketing, I stepped into my heels and pencil skirt and walked straight into a fancy ad agency job that I just knew was going to be super fun, creative, and flexible.

Just like in Madmen, right? 

Wrong. So, so wrong. I was young, I was naive, and I learned a TON.


Fast forward a couple of years, a couple of job changes, and a few months of “freelancing” and I finally came to the conclusion that working for someone else, clocking 8 hours per day in a cubicle and having to ask permission to take a day off was just NOT. FOR. ME.

So I got serious, hired a coach, put in the work, and started a business!

(Of course there was a lot more to it than that - but I’ll spare you the two-years-worth-of-business-building details)

Now my workdays look more like jeans and Converse, my black lab Remi sleeping under my desk, and taking midday breaks for a walk or lunch date whenever I darn well please.

But the best part is that I get to help my clients grow their businesses and crush their goals all while looking totally polished and professional, so that they can live out their success story too!


There’s no way I could do it alone though.

I am so thankful that I’ve been lucky enough to build a small team who helps me keep all of the balls in the air and make sure our clients are getting the absolute best service possible.

It really does take a village, and mine is pretty great!

When I’m not elbows deep in my latest branding project, you can typically find me chasing my kids around (#twoundertwolife), cuddled up in front of the fireplace with a cup of coffee and a good book, or road-tripping around the Pacific Northwest with my family.

Wanna Connect?
Follow Me On Social media & Say Hey!
