3 Signs It’s Time For A Rebrand

Have you been going back and forth about updating your branding for what seems like forever, and you just can’t seem to come to a decision?

Rebranding is a huge commitment that often comes with a large time and money investment, so it’s definitely not something to take lightly.

“Is it actually going to move the needle in my business?”

“The brand I have is working fine…are you sure I should update it?”

“I have other things I feel like I should invest in first.”

We field these types of questions all. the. time. here at Specht & Co., and they’re all 100% valid. 

But we also see the same three pain points time and time again, and those are what tell us that while it’s a big, scary decision, a rebrand might be exactly what your business needs.

Keep reading to see if any of these sound familiar to you.

1. You’re not attracting your ideal clients

You’ve been marketing your tushy off, showing up on social media, sending emails to your list, and doing everything under the sun to attract new clients but you still feel like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.

Sound familiar?

This usually shows up in one of two ways… first, you’re just not getting any inquiries despite your best efforts, and second (and more commonly) you are getting some inquiries about your services, but they are very clearly not your ideal clients.

Either they’re in an industry you don’t love working with, they’re at the wrong stage of business to hire you, or they just don’t feel like a good match.

Nine times out of ten this is because while your branding may be beautiful, it probably wasn’t designed to specifically connect with the audience you want to attract.

A solid strategic branding process will require you to dig deep to really get to know your ideal client inside and out. When done properly, you’ll familiarize yourself with their goals, fears, core values, and more before you even begin the design process.

This will allow your brand to speak directly to those dreamboat clients, and any time you send an email or post on social media, they’ll know without a doubt that you’re the service provider for them.

2. You’re getting a lot of pricing based objections

Have you been getting on a ton of sales calls, only to have prospective clients gasp when you share your prices and then ghost you all together? 

Before you beat yourself up thinking you should either throw in the towel or start offering steep discounts out of desperation, let’s take a second to take a look at your branding.

At first glance, does your brand scream “premium service provider”?

If not, then you probably don’t have a pricing or sales issue. You probably have a branding issue.

You already know that you are an expert at what you do. The best in your industry, one might even say. But if your branding feels lackluster and disjointed, then it doesn’t accurately reflect the amount of value that you bring to the table.

And if clients can’t tell from the start that you’re a badass business owner who knows your stuff and is going to change their life, then you’re going to continue getting those pricing based objections.

A polished, professional, and strategic brand will signal to clients that they should expect to invest at a level commensurate with the value they’re receiving. You’ll be able to sell your services at a premium with ease, and you won’t have to field any more questions about discounts or payment plans!

3. You’re not showing up with confidence to promote your business

When’s the last time you posted on your business’ social media account?

…attended a networking event?

…sent an email to your list?

…heck, even just told someone you own a business?

If you’re feeling a liiiiitle bit attacked by those questions, don’t worry. There's a pretty good chance we can blame your branding.

Obviously life happens to all of us. Kids get sick, the dog needs to go to the vet, client work piles up, the refrigerator breaks, you name it. Then all of a sudden it’s been a month since your last Instagram post and you’re wondering why it seems like all the new leads have disappeared.

But if that’s not the case for you, and you’ve genuinely just been avoiding promoting your business because you don’t love the way your brand looks, then a brand refresh might be exactly what you need.

Imagine your brand is your business’s wardrobe. If your closet is full of clothes from 5 years ago that don’t fit properly and are really just not your style anymore, then of course you’re not going to want to go out on the town for a date night with your spouse (or heck, even out to the grocery store).

Just like how we all need to refresh our closets every couple of years, our businesses and brands could really benefit from the same TLC. So if you’re feeling like your brand visuals just aren’t an accurate reflection of who you are as a business owner anymore, and you’re finding yourself embarrassed to promote your business despite the fact that we all know you kick a** at what you do, then it’s worth taking a good hard look at your branding and considering giving it a little facelift.

If you’re considering updating your brand, but you’re still on the fence as to whether or not it’s the right move, book a Brand Audit! You’ll get my expert eyes on your brand and I’ll deliver actionable tips and feedback directly to your inbox within a week, no strings attached!


How To Prepare To Work With A Brand Strategist & Designer


Why Your Brand “Isn’t Working”: Three Common Branding Mistakes & How To Fix Them